
  • Consulting Field

    Welcome to HOMEPAGE!


    Contact Point : Dr. Seok Won Hong(smt_coop001@naver.com )

    1. Summary

    We are supporting

    ㆍConceptual Design of Various Kinds of Ships including Special Purpose Ship.
    ㆍDesign and Engineering Development of Marine Renewable Energy Plants including Offshore Wind Turbine.
    ㆍDesign & Technology Supervising for Model Basin and Testing Facilities Construction

    We are seeking

    ㆍto support feasibility & conceptual design for small and medium ship-builders and offshore-plant industries
    ㆍto establish and to maintain sound industrial ecosystem and international competitiveness improvement.

    We are contributing
    ㆍto decarbonization policy by raising competitiveness in world market share through consulting technology developments for ships with revolutionary propulsion system and for offshore renewable energy plants.

    2. Major Area of Consultation

    ● Revolutionary new concept propulsion system including electric propulsion.
    ● Conceptual design of ships with new concept propulsion systems.
    ● Conceptual design of offshore wind turbine fixed or floating including its site installation
    ● Conceptual design of wave energy devices, tidal energy plant, and multiple purpose renewable energy plants including those installation.
    ● Conceptual design of underwater unmanned vehicle and unmanned surface vehicle.
    ● Design and technology supervision of Model Basin and its facilities including wave-maker, current generator, wind generator etc.
    ● Consulting international certification process for relevant design.

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