Category : Performance analysis and evaluation / Name : Jong-kap Lee
Education ● 1973-1977 B.S. in Naval Architects, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea ● 1991-1994 M.S. in Industrial Systems Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, ● 1996-2000 Ph.D. in Ships and Ocean Engineering Structure, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, Research & Development (projects in charge of) ● Application of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system for shipbuilding ● Computerized Ship Design and Production (CSDP) system ● Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) for Shipbuilding ● Technologies for Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS) ● Industry Standards for IMO GBS (Goal-Based Ship Construction Standards) ● Technologies for Risk-Based Ship Design (RBSD) ● Establishment of Technology Center for Offshore Industry Relevant Activities: ● Member of SNAK ● Member, Certified System Engineer(B-level) of KCOSE / INCOSE, ● Technical Advisor for Korean Government in GBS/FSA at IMO ● Accredited Representative Technical of ASEF, Chair of SWG for Green House Gas (GHG) issues ● Chair of ISO/TC8(ships and marine technology)/SC8(ship design) |
- PREJin-Tae Lee 21.10.26
- NXTEun-Chan KIM 21.10.26