Category : Performance analysis and evaluation / Name : Seong Hwan Kim
Education ○ 1977, Naval Architecture(B.S.), Pusan National Univ. ○ 1979, Ship Hydrodynamics(M.S.), Pusan National Univ. ○ 1997, Ship Hydrodynamics(Ph.D.), Pusan National Univ. Experience ○ 2015.03~2018.03: President, Research Institute of Medium & Small Size Shipbuilding ○ 2013.01~2015.03: Managing Director of Research Institute, FESDEC ○ 2010.01~2012.12: Commisioned Expert Research Engineer, KRISO ○ 2016.04~2010.03: Managing Directorof Busan Design Institute, 21c Ship Building Co. ○ 2000.01~2016.03: Managing Director, KOMAC ○ 1997.01~1999.12: Commmisioned Principal Research Engineer, KRISO ○ 1992.07~1996.12: Director, FESDEC(Ship Design Consulting CO.) ○ 1979.03~1992.07: Senior Research Engineer, KRISO ○ 2007.03~2009.02: Adjunct Professor, Dong Eui University ○ 2008.03~2009.02: Adjunct Professor, Busan National Unversity Consulting Fieslds ○ Basic scheme of developing vessels ○ Concept design of green ships ○ Concept design of future generation ships ○ Ship powering performance prediction and evaluation ○ Hull form development of high speed vessels
Hull Form Development and Performance Evaluation Procedure |
- PREEun-Chan KIM 21.10.26
- NXTKuk Jin Kang 21.10.26